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Welcome to APF-Global Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa Global, Inc.

If you are interested to get involved with us, in anyone of the following APF Programs, please contact us and we will provide additional information to you

First Phase of Fondwa Clinic Construction

Fondwa Young Lady Invites Other Youth To Reforest Haiti

UFondwa Students learning the use of a Motorcultor

Brazilian Teacher Teaching UFondwa Students how to use a Motor Cultor

UFondwa Students Planting trees In Fondwa

  • Healthcare
  • Water and Energy
  • Agriculture (Agricultural production and Animal Production): Reforestation – Agro Forestry, Compost Production – Food Production – Animal Care and Animal Production – Food Processing and Commercialization
  • Construction: Fondwa Construction Office- Artisanal Plant to produce Concrete Blocks (Atellye Blòk Fondwa) – Training for Construction Workers- Assistant to Fondwa Family’s in rebuilding their Homes after the devastating 2010 Earthquake.
  • Fondwa Local Radio Station (Radio Zetwal)
  • LDC: Develop strategies to rebuild Haiti from the ground up through the LDC: public and private partnership at the lowest level of public administration — investment package to farmers to create wealth in their home communities.
  • Small Business:  Transportation service, Restaurant, construction store parts, Fondwa Cultural Center, Gift Shop, Carpentry Shop, Visitors Program, Meat and Sea Food, Fondwa Credit Union (KÒF) – provide Accounting services to local grassroots organizations and to small business owners in rural Haiti:
  • Education: Orphanage, School (Kindergarten, elementary, high school), University with three options (Agronomy, Veterinary-Medicine and Business management)- Integrating work into the University Curriculum
  • Eco-Tourism Promotion: Bring delegation to Fondwa and Haiti

Street Light and Street Decoration for Christmas Celebration in Fondwa

Young Haitians Contributing to Reforest Haiti

Cine ( Fondwa Farmer) Harvesting Yam

APF Education Program

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